Thursday, October 29, 2009

Prolene Hernia System

This is a video of the operation from hell I wish I had never had done. That plastic inside of you does a lot of damage. Scar tissue, dangerous chemicals leaching, chronic pain and on and on. Now none of these HMO bastards will give me coverage with the pre-existing excuse. So in the richest country in the world I find myself playing doctor or withering and dying. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cigna Protest Rally and Sit-In

This is some of the video from our upcoming independent documentary. This is a sit-In demonstration at the Cigna Corporate Offices at 1571 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Sunrise, at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 28, 2009, to demand that Cigna stop its insurance abuse and immediately approve all doctor-requested care for patients with life threatening conditions. Cigna currently denies 1 in 5 doctor requested treatments. One hundred and twenty (120) people on average die every day according to Harvard Study just released because either they are underinsured or have no insurance.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Humana Sit-In West Palm Beach Florida

This is a brief video upload of the event above described. Five brave souls got arrested for peaceful civil disobedience to demand that HMO's like Humana stop denying coverage to their policyholders with life-threatening illnesses and support real Medicare-for-All healthcare reform. Many others were there to support the same cause. Here are some of the images from the upcoming film Mesh, the Movie ( . Thanks to all the nice folk that participated and showed how exemplary citizens progressive people are. Special thanks to Leslie Elder, Geraldine Vaccaro, Al Rogers, Rick Ford and Barry Silver. We are planning on reaching out to the local collegiate community to participate. Stay tuned for further updates about this movie and this cause. Mesh, the Movie is about the axis of greed and medicine and the mess we find our nation in.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bill Nelson Coral Gables Rally for Health Reform

On October 14th MoveOn organized this rally in front of Sen. Bill Nelson's Coral Gables office to demand he support real health care reform. Here are some of the sights and sounds of that afternoon.

On other news, we are working on getting the Humana six to tell us about their experience. We are also trying to participate in the upcoming October 29th Sit-In. Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The irony of AdSence

As you may have noticed there is a AdSence gadget on the side of this blog. We desperately need funds and installing this blog gadget may bring some revenue to help keep us going. We don't chose what business or product gets advertised and in fact it is determined by a computer that monitors the blogs keywords and choses the advertising accordingly. Needles to say because of the many reference, all be it negative, to health care the AdSence programs keeps choosing HMO's ads. For every click on the AdSence banner we get a very small amount of revenue. So, if you feel like Robin Hood, just click on the banner and in that way you will be making the king pay the poor with just one click. Once there either close their window or perhaps take the time to give them a piece of your mind. So, forgive the indecent sight of HMO's advertisement but remember the reason and the irony of making HMO's pay for helping bring their own demise.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Insurance: Sick of it. Miami Moveon demonstration.

"Big Insurance: Sick of It" Rally in Miami. Thousands of MoveOn members attended rallies in 38 states across the country for a day of action that sends a clear message: we're sick of Big Insurance, and we want real reform with a strong public health insurance option now! This is Miami's part of that days coordinated event. Thanks to all the folks working for progress in this nation.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sit-in training

Today we'll go to West Palm Beach for training for Thursday, October 15th protest rally and sit-in at Humana Corporate offices. The good and brave folks of are organizing this necessary civil disobedience event in order to expose the real death panels in America. They have reached my same conclusion: this movement is at the same place the civil rights movement found themselves in the late 50's early 60's. As Mobilize for Health Care states: "Just like the lunch counter sit-ins did for the civil rights movement, we have to make it impossible for the media and our country to ignore how outrageous the status quo of private insurance is for the American people." We are looking forward to meeting and filming them.